Transparency in the Workplace

Transparency might seem like nothing more than a buzzword, but it’s important for building a unified, productive workforce.
If you and your management team aren’t transparent, then your employees might start losing morale and motivation. They won’t look forward to coming to work, and they might even start looking for a new job – one where they don’t feel like they’re working in a silo, unaware of what else is happening in the company.
It’s completely up to you how transparent you’re willing to be. You don’t have to share the company’s bank statement with the whole team, but remember that the more your team knows, the more they’ll feel part of what the company’s doing. So, the more they’ll trust you.
Transparency is all about being open and honest, so your employees can hold you accountable.
3 Tips for Becoming More Transparent
If you and your management team aren’t transparent, then there’s no way your company can be. If becoming a more transparent company seems like a struggle, start with these three tips:
Establish Core Values
Establishing core values for your company (then making sure to live them out) will help you become more transparent. You team will know that every decision you make will be made with those core values in mind, so they’ll understand where you’re coming from.
When you’re establishing your core values, think about how you want people to treat others. Then, make those values (like integrity and honesty) essential pieces of your business.
Have an Open-Door Policy
Make sure your employees know that your door is always open. Your employees should feel comfortable talking to you or their boss about ideas or any issues they have in the office. By encouraging your employees to come to you, you’re fostering trust and allowing them to be part of the decision-making process.
Share Your Calendar
Even if you have an open-door policy, your employees might not feel comfortable talking to you if they don’t know where you are. So, share your calendar with your employees so they know when you’re available, when you’re in a meeting, or when you’re out of the office. They’ll know when it’s an appropriate time to talk to you, which can make them more comfortable.