Employee Time Tracking | Workful

Employee Time Tracking

Make time tracking easier with Workful’s built-in time clock. Because the time clock automatically syncs with payroll, you’ll rest easier knowing your employees are being paid for the time they worked.

Are you still trying to keep up with paper timesheets, clunky outdated systems, or Excel spreadsheets? It’s time to stop.

Time & Attendance

With Workful’s HR services for time tracking, your employees can clock in right from their phones. They won’t have to worry about tracking their time because their time clock is always in their pocket. Employees don’t have phones or are not allowed phones on the job? Employees may clock in with a computer or other device connected to the internet.

Screenshot of Workful© time and attendance platform
Screenshot of Workful© platform for employee time tracking

Everything is Automatic

Stop manually adding up your employees’ hours and entering them into your payroll system. Workful does all that for you, saving you hours of valuable time.

Cut down on data entry errors with Workful. Each time you run payroll, Workful will automatically pull in the hours your employees worked, so your payroll will be 100% accurate every time.

Time Tracking Has Never Been Easier.

Ready to use Workful’s time tracking in your business? Check out our pricing plan page.

How to Choose the Perfect Payroll System for your Business

Any small business owner or accountant will agree that payroll is tricky. Beyond calculating pay amounts and tracking time off and vacation days, there are intricacies of payroll that can be time-consuming. And doing it incorrectly can result in fees that prove costly to the company.

Screenshot of Choose the Perfect Payroll System PDF

Get started with Workful’s employee time tracking for small businesses and save time today! Visit our pricing plan page to learn more.